DentSave'sSM Privacy Commitment

DentSaveSM is a membership company that provides an alternative to dental insurance, DentSaveSM is committed to striving to meet or exceed fair information practices. The following privacy statement covers our current services, as well as activities at this web site. Following are some of the principles that are adhered to:

1. DentSaveSM does not use any information you provide us about you or your family to deliver advertising to you or to sell to advertisers.
2. When DentSaveSM sends email, it is because you have agreed to receive email messages from DentSaveSM. You can choose to opt out of our email lists at any time.
3. DentSaveSM encourages all companies and doctors with which we do business (also called "clients"), to engage in fair information practices.
4. DentSaveSM will provide you with access to any information you've provided.
5. DentSaveSM may change its policy as new services are added or old ones are changed, but DentSaveSM treats personal information in a manner consistent with the policy under which it was collected, unless we have your consent to use it differently. If part or all of DentSave'sSM businesses are sold or transferred, steps will be taken to assure that these same principles apply.

If you have questions about our privacy policy, please contact us and we will address your concerns. You can email us at:

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